$45.00 Writing Hotel Reviews
$80.00 Writing Homeschool Curriculum Reviews*
$59.10 PayPerPost Postings*
$0 PayPerPost Referrals
$7.50 ReviewMyPost
$0 Amazon Links
$0.65 Google Adsense earnings for February
$1.57 Kontera Text Links (started running in middle of the month)
$10.74 Suite101 earnings for February
$0.22 Helium.com earnings for February
$2.69 Dneero
$18.00 Smorty*
$5.54 Inboxdollars
$4.00 Paymetoblogaboutyou
$0 Clickbank
$0 GreenfieldOnline.com
$0 Bloggerwave.com
$111.49 Ebay (fees taken from total)*
$0.03 PayPal Money Mkt Acct*
Earnings Online.....338.35
PayPal Fees -8.30
*Total Received in February 299.81 (doesn't represent totals of each starred job)
Friday, February 29, 2008
End of Month Stats
Posted by Lisa Russell at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 16, 2008
I found a great article called "The Secret to Successful Blog Promotion."
It seems to be written for corporate bloggers, not personal blogs like mine. However; it's full of advice even a little guy can learn from. I've already created RSS feeds, so I'm off to a good start. Have I done that here yet? I will add it to my list.
1-Make sure all blogs have RSS feeds
Syndicate your site using ping technology. Apparently registering your RSS feed with specific sites can bring in more readers, so next on my list is to do that.
1-Make sure all blogs have RSS feeds
2-Learn about pinging and get all RSS's listed at the ping site things.
Next, he says I should be using Movable type. I've heard this advice before. I downloaded it a while back, trying my darndest to follow this advice. (Yes, I am a blind advice follower, I don't ask questions if you sound like you're credible. I confess. Let's move on.) My excuse for not using Movable type yet is because I don't know what perl is and didn't feel like learning.
1-Make sure all blogs have RSS feeds
2-Learn about pinging and get all RSS's listed at the ping site things.
3-Get into the Movable type groove
His last bit of advice in the creating of your blog is to use permalinks. I think I do that, but I need to make sure. I think blogger automatically does it. Also, I add each permalink to Onlywire. I wonder if he likes that idea???
1-Make sure all blogs have RSS feeds
2-Learn about pinging and get all RSS's listed at the ping site things.
3-Get into the Movable type groove
4-Make sure I'm using permalinks correctly
Get listed or linked to through other sites, preferably vary popular ones. Attention Dooce and Amalah; I have commented on your blogs often enough that you should feel like you know me and love me. Do a write up on me (preferably on different days) so I can share your wealth of readers. Thank you.
1-Make sure all blogs have RSS feeds
2-Learn about pinging and get all RSS's listed at the ping site things.
3-Get into the Movable type groove
4-Make sure I'm using permalinks correctly
5-Kiss up to Dooce & Amalah a little bit more. (I lied about commenting frequently)
Linking to other bloggers helps, too. Also- linking to their permalinks instead of just their front page is better. noite taken, I think I do that. I'll add it to my list anyways because it looks like I'm making a pattern.
1-Make sure all blogs have RSS feeds
2-Learn about pinging and get all RSS's listed at the ping site things.
3-Get into the Movable type groove
4-Make sure I'm using permalinks correctly
5-Kiss up to Dooce & Amalah a little bit more. (I lied about commenting frequently)
6-Permalink other people's blogs. Maybe it's another way to kiss up to Dooce & Amalah.
Then he says to make sure I have trackbacking enabled, and to let the other blogger know I've linked to them. Yeah, that's a good idea. I bet big cool bloggers like BigD and BigA aren't obsessively checking their site stats like me. They probably don't chase down all their readers, huh.
1-Make sure all blogs have RSS feeds
2-Learn about pinging and get all RSS's listed at the ping site things.
3-Get into the Movable type groove
4-Make sure I'm using permalinks correctly
5-Kiss up to Dooce & Amalah a little bit more. (I lied about commenting frequently)
6-Permalink other people's blogs. Maybe it's another way to kiss up to Dooce & Amalah.
7-Enable backtracking (whatever that is)
8-Tell other bloggers when I contribute to their diablogue (It's a new word don't bother looking it up, just trust me)
He also says a blogroll is a good idea. I like this idea, too but I don't like managing it myself, so I plan to use a service
1-Make sure all blogs have RSS feeds
2-Learn about pinging and get all RSS's listed at the ping site things.
3-Get into the Movable type groove
4-Make sure I'm using permalinks correctly
5-Kiss up to Dooce & Amalah a little bit more. (I lied about commenting frequently)
6-Permalink other people's blogs. Maybe it's another way to kiss up to Dooce & Amalah.
7-Enable backtracking (whatever that is)
8-Tell other bloggers when I contribute to their diablogue (It's a new word don't bother looking it up, just trust me)
9-Find and use a blogrolling service
Another tip, which I also have been employing, is to link to your old content. I have been doing that, it creates your own little mini-web. I also try to link to my content on other sites as well. I will do it more judiciously. I think I need a "top posts of mine" at the footer of each post.
1-Make sure all blogs have RSS feeds
2-Learn about pinging and get all RSS's listed at the ping site things.
3-Get into the Movable type groove
4-Make sure I'm using permalinks correctly
5-Kiss up to Dooce & Amalah a little bit more. (I lied about commenting frequently)
6-Permalink other people's blogs. Maybe it's another way to kiss up to Dooce & Amalah.
7-Enable backtracking (whatever that is)
8-Tell other bloggers when I contribute to their diablogue (It's a new word don't bother looking it up, just trust me)
9-Find and use a blogrolling service
10Link to my old content
If I continue going through the content of his article, I won't have tome to follow those suggestions. My list has reached its limit. You should pop over there, though and read it, he's got some great ideas. I especially like the coffee event idea. yeah, I'm all over that. And it doesn't even have to be organic.
I do have to add 2 things that he might say later
1-Make sure all blogs have RSS feeds
2-Learn about pinging and get all RSS's listed at the ping site things.
3-Get into the Movable type groove
4-Make sure I'm using permalinks correctly
5-Kiss up to Dooce & Amalah a little bit more. (I lied about commenting frequently)
6-Permalink other people's blogs. Maybe it's another way to kiss up to Dooce & Amalah.
7-Enable backtracking (whatever that is)
8-Tell other bloggers when I contribute to their diablogue (It's a new word don't bother looking it up, just trust me)
9-Find and use a blogrolling service
10Link to my old content
11-more interesting titles
12-funnier tags
Posted by Lisa Russell at 2:28 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Now Anyone can get Paid to Blog
Back in the old days (Um, like last week when my travel blog was rejected) you used to have to have 20 posts in a blog that was at least 90 days old. SO I decided to pay attention to that little blog, and make a few other ones, since my pagerank on my original blog sucks, I figured they could build off of each other and maybe one day, when google updates their pageranking system (which I hear is like very 90 days) then maybe my original blog will be worth something, and then maybe I can grow these other blogs, too and Mwa hahaaha rule the mom blogging world, like Dooce and Amalah.
But now, they have changed the rules, so that any blog that has ten posts and is 30 days old will qualify.
I think it's a stupid mistake. There's already too many of us scrambling like vultures to grab the few opportunities that are available for new bloggers. They pay $20 for posting when you sign up, just to announce that you've done it. So they'll have all these people signing up and getting paid for making their first post announcing that they've signed up and then their system will be overloaded because all these people will be trying to get paid posts all the time. It isn't easy hitting the refresh button ten thousand times a day hoping a new one will come up. And sometimes the verification words are long and complicated. Like "Renoir $285,837.20" and things like that. It's not a lifestyle everyone is cut out for. If you think you might be the one who can handle it, then click the purple image below and they will help you register for paid blogging. I don't think you can handle it, though. I am just warning you.
You should do it fast because I don't know if they'll stay in business like this for long. Hopefully you're someone with a blog that has a higher page rank than mine, so that you won't be taking opportunities that I could be using to feed my kids. My six kids. Seriously.
Posted by Lisa Russell at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Got Paid today
OK it was a few days ago but in the interest of keeping this blog filled with content that I wrote on a regular basis, I just thought it would be wise to tell you that I have been paid.
Also- in my Suite101 articles, I have finally begun to create enough of a little web and it looks like it's paying off. It's hard to web one or two articles, I am up to eight now. Here's my latest; Lesson Plans from Learning Styles.
Posted by Lisa Russell at 10:41 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The Secret
If you haven't read The Secret yet then you need to. A good friend of ours made us a copy of the Audio book a while ago and I loved it so much I ended up buying my own at Costco a little while later. The wisdom in the Secret transcends time and spirituality, it really is an important message. It is the same thing taught by Cesar Milan the Dog Whisperer, and whenever we deliberately use the principles of the Law of Attraction, we end up getting what we want. The hardest part about the secret is its simplicity; I am a researcher by nature and sometimes it is hard to just let go. The older I get, the more I realize that no matter what I do in life; it's OK. Nothing terrible ever really happens, not because I obsess over preventing it but because there aren't many things that could happen that are truly terrible. In retrospect, everything is always just fine. So please check out The Secret because it really is an important aspect of healthy thinking. Knowing deep in your heart that everything is as it should be is important. I hate seeing people miserable and sad because life isn't what they want. Spending so much time fixated upon what you don't want draws exactly that thing to you. The Secret teaches us how to actively attract what we want by focusing on it, believing it is ours and enjoying life knowing it will arrive in good time.
Posted by Lisa Russell at 1:30 PM 0 comments