Friday, April 4, 2008

The Financial Success Directory

There are so many opportunities to make money online. I have a little bit of web design knowledge, and I write. It's easy to get distracted and think maybe I should switch to web design or graphic design. I know the digital scrapbooking designers sometimes look like they're having a lot more fun than I am. Maybe... if I ever got that Macbook Air like I've been wanting. The pink one. But alas, I have fallen into the writing career, and blogging about it serves as my journal-along-the-way to help anyone else who ventures this way. I've found a few things that worked and a few things that haven't worked. Mind you, I've only been at this since January. I just found a new website (that I linked to up above, and it's like a big directory of online money-making opportunities. I was pleased to find so may resources and articles on how to maximize your adsense profits, how to avoid scams, how to intertwine your adsense and affiliate links. All in all, it seems like a great directory. Of the ten articles in the sidebar, I think I enjoyed like 8 of them. That's pretty good. And I think I can't possibly be the only one enjoying this guys (Or girl, Angellica doesn't sound masculine!) OK I can't be the only one enjoying this website because it has over 20,000 subscribers. I don't know how many sites you're subscribed to but I don't subscribe to very many, so when I see that over 20,000 people have enjoyed this site so much that they want to subscribe, I find it very impressive. You are subscribed to me of course, right?

Another impressive fact about this website is its pagerank of 3/10. That's saying something important, and if Google values them enough to give them a ranking at all, then I'm paying close attention. Great articles on SEO that I can use on all of my sites and articles everywhere. Also information on adsense marketing secrets that make it look so darned simple- you should really check it out. He also has articles about Affiliate marketing, which I have seen a lot of success stories on- I'm thinking an SEO optimized affiliate site can be a powerful thing. I still have a lot to learn, and writing for the web is very different from blogging and writing for print magazines and newsletters. Google crawls for search terms that people tend to use when they're looking for information. Google also has tools we can use to see which terms are searched for more frequently, so that when we use them in a certain proportion to our text, we're guaranteed to come up higher in the search list. So this website has articles on google, too so that you can learn what tools google has available.

Good luck to you. Remember, it's not whether you win or lose, it's how much you win.

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