Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ehow is my newest exciting thing

OK , so after reading all of the hype, I went ahead and ordered Maria's Ebook, How to Earn Residual Passive Income on Ehow. OMG- it is really a fantastic e-book. She so very clearly simplifies the process and tells you the very best way to go about earning from the get-go. I already had an ehow account, and it wasn't doing that much. After I read her ebook, I decided to use her proven ideas and open a new account, following her guidelines.

From the get-go, I have earned more using her techniques than I was earning on my own. She is a genius. I didn't even know you could do .... certain things.... on ehow. If I say them I'll be spilling her fantastic ideas, but let's just say that they work. So I will now be publishing 3 ehow articles a day for the next few months.

I was able to use her techniques on other sites as well, and you'll see me writing more Suite101 articles now, too.

Anyhow- I highly recommend you get her ebook if you're wirting on ehow, instead of sitting around waiting to figure these things out for yourself. I noticed a difference within hours of implementing her first idea. HOURS- I hadn't even finished writing my first article yet. AND- this morning, using her techniques, I was able to publish my three articles before lunch time. So- try it, you'll like it.
Click here to view more details
When the weekend is over, I can't wait to show you the screen shots. I am jaw-dropped amazed.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Glad you are getting some good information out of the book. I actually just posted a short interview with her at my site. She's making $1,000+ from her articles as of October.